Be respectful

Angry Birds 2 is a game meant for everyone to enjoy, and we expect all players to treat each other with respect. Creating a safe environment is essential, so please refrain from abusive, threatening, harassing, or intimidating behavior. Inappropriate actions include:

  • Hate speech, racism and other discriminatory language
  • Obscene or sexually explicit language
  • Threats or harassment
  • Bullying
  • Swearing and cursing

If you encounter a player being disrespectful or abusive to you or others, don't hesitate to report them. Our Player support will take appropriate action.

No Cheating

Fair play is crucial to us, which means no cheating or exploiting to gain an unfair advantage. Cheats, hacks, mods, or third-party tools are strictly prohibited. Using exploits in the game will not be tolerated, and cheaters will face a non-negotiable ban.

One player - one account

Sharing, exchanging or buying accounts is not allowed. We cannot support accounts involved in such activities, and restoring data access in such cases is not possible. Participating in these practices will result in permanent banning from the game. 

Downloads from official sources only

Using third-party software to run the game on PC is not supported. We cannot assist with any technical issues that might occur while using such software. For the best experience and to avoid problems, we recommend playing Angry Birds 2 on your mobile phone or tablet. You can also download the official desktop version for Windows from the Microsoft Store.

Frequently Asked Questions

I can’t send a specific message to the clan chat. Why?

Our moderation system is set in place to protect all of our players. If you are trying to send a message to the clan chat and it’s not being sent, check if your message contains any of the following:

  • An invitation to join other social media platforms and communicate outside the game
  • A real name or identifying information
  • A word and number combination that may appear like a home address
  • Potentially sexually provocative words (yes, even “baby” counts!)
  • Violent expressions

My profile picture/nickname has been changed. Why?

Most likely, it was violating our terms of service. We do not allow offensive, suggestive, or real identifying names in the game.

I can't change my name or profile picture. Why?

Either it's against our terms of service, or you have previously breached them and now this feature has been limited to you. If you're certain you've done nothing wrong, send a message to our Player Support and we'll get to the bottom of this. 

I have been muted. Why?

We mute players who communicate inappropriately on the clan chat. Please refrain from abusive messaging and refer to our  Terms of Service.

Someone keeps on reporting me. Will this get me banned?

We only ban players if a violation of our terms of service is detected. Player reports help us by highlighting the accounts that may be violating the rules, but a report alone is not enough for an account to be suspended.

Terms of Service

Please click through the following link to learn more about Rovio's Terms of Service

If Rovio believes that you are in breach of these TOS, Rovio reserves the right to take any of the following actions, whether individually or in combination, and either with or without notice to you: (1) delete, suspend, and/or modify your Account or parts of your Account; (2) limit, suspend and/or terminate your access to the Services; (3) modify and/or remove any of your Virtual Items; (4) reset and/or modify any game progression or benefits and privileges associated with you, such as any level or score you have reached in the Services.