My purchase was not delivered!

When you purchase something in the game, it usually gets delivered right after. However, sometimes it may take a bit longer. You can restart your game to check if the purchase was delivered, but if it wasn't, that means it's currently being processed and may take up to 24 hours.

Once this time is up, we can check what happened with the purchase and assist you with it. To do that, we will need a screenshot of your receipt where we can see the date of the transaction and its ID.

If your purchase was made on an Apple device, please contact them directly (Apple manages their store and handles these issue.

I can't make a purchase!

If you have made purchases in our game or other games before, please check the following:

  • Your network connection. It should be stable for you to be able to make any purchases in the game, so if you have any difficulties with your current one, just try another one
  • Temporary app store issues. All purchases are managed by the app store the game is downloaded from, and they can sometimes be down for maintenace or experience other technical issues. Try waiting several minutes and restarting your device, then repeat the purchase.

If you haven't made any in-app purchases before, check the following:

  • You've entered correct payment information. Make sure you didn't make any mistakes while filling in your payment details.
  • Your payment method is up to date and supported in our game. See if your method payment hasn't expired and that it is still valid. You can find the list of all supported payment methods in the corresponding sections of Apple, Google, and Amazon Customer Support websites.

If none of the steps were helpful, please contact our Player support with a detailed description of your issue and we'll do our best to figure it out.

Why was I overcharged? 

You can see the final price before you confirm the payment, and also on the receipt from the app store. In some regions, the price also includes taxes.

On iOS devices several purchases can get merged into one transaction on the receipt you get from the store. The receipt can also take several days to be sent, which is why you might think that all of the purchases on it were made on the same day. 

If you still think you got charged extra, please contact your app store's customer support. They'll give you more details on your purchases and the tax policy for online shopping in your region.