Bird power shows how powerful individual birds are. It consists of four separate parts:

  • hat level
  • slingshot level
  • card level
  • hatchling level

All of these can be found by taping any bird on your Main Flock Screen and looking at the information to the right. The number at the top right of the card is the Bird Power:

Hat Level:

Your bird's Hat Level is determined by your most powerful hat, regardless of whether you have it equipped or not. You can have your bird rock its natural look or wear any hat you like – the Hat Level will still reflect the power of your mightiest hat. 

Slingshot Level:

The slingshot can be leveled up by collecting a full set of hats. The more full sets you have, the better your slingshot will be. Hats can be found in the Tower of Fortune or purchased with Black Pearls in the Hat Shop at the top left of your Main Flock screen.

Card Level:

In order to increase the card level of any bird, you need to collect feathers for them. Red needs Red feathers, Chuck needs Yellow, Matilda needs White, and so on. You can also find special Rainbow Feathers: these feathers can be given to any bird you want! 

What's the Feather Bonus?

Feather Bonus is a fun way to get extra feathers for your birds when you level them up! 

When a bird levels up, if you are lucky, you'll get the Feather Bonus, which will give you the chance to earn extra feathers for that bird.


The first pick is free and if you want to get even more feathers, you can pay extra gems to pick more cards.


Hatchling Level:

You can level up your hatchling to increase their Flock Power boost. Every time you feed them, you’ll get some Rainbow Feathers!

To see all these four elements combined, you can tap the hat menu and then the “i” on the right:


What is the difference between Bird Power and Flock Power?

Your Flock Power is the combined powers of the 8 birds in your active Flock. This means that if you change your Flock, your Flock Power will change as well.

The main difference in how the Flock Power is calculated is that individual Hat powers are not counted towards your Flock Powers outside of special events. Only your Slingshot level, your Hatchling boost and your Birds' card level are calculated in your Flock Power. During the Hat events your Flock Power is boosted if you have acquired the event hats, but after the event is over the boost disappears too.