How do I buy hats?

Buying hats is a breeze at the Hat Shop, where you can trade your Black Pearls for these stylish head-turners. To open the shop, simply tap the Hat Shop icon on the upper part of the main screen.Screenshot_2018-12-06_at_13.21.02.png

You can explore hats by type – common, uncommon, rare, magical, and more – or sort them by set. The hats you don’t own yet are greyed out to make it easier for you to know what you have and what you’re missing.  

The hats come in tiers, with different power levels. The most potent hats are perched at the top, while the more common ones nestle at the bottom. Keep that in mind when looking for an upgrade for your birdy!

When you tap on a hat set, you’ll see the price of each hat that you can buy. Completing a Hat Set moves it to the bottom of the tier list and, as a sweet bonus, gives your slingshot an upgrade. Neat! 

You can also use the shop to equip or unequip the hats for your wonderful birds. No need to worry about picking the hat with a lower power - your bird's prowess will always be set to the mightiest hat's value, ensuring that you can test them all and pick your favorites! 

Note that the hats you can buy in Mighty Eagle’s Shop or Arena Shop are not available for purchase here.

How do I upgrade hats?

Hats' power upgrades are exclusively available during special hat events, where event currency is your ticket to a hat makeover. Don't miss out on these opportunities, as they come and go with the events!

What's that whirl in the corner of the Hat Shop?

The Black Pearl Whirl replaced the Black Pearl Chest in the Hat Shop as a new and better way to get the pearls you need to buy and upgrade your hats. 

You can spin the Whirl once a day for free, and 5 more times for a small gem fee. The paid spins provide double rewards, so you can get extra pearls and boost your hat collection even faster! 

Happy flinging!