How do I get one?

Once you've chosen your Player name, you'll notice an egg next to your slingshot. Tap on that egg and give your hatchling a cool name (remember, you can't change it later). You'll need to wait a bit for it to hatch, or use some gems to speed up the process. Once it's hatched, don't forget to feed it with apples every day to keep it happy and in the crib  🐣🍏 

Your hatchling is a fantastic addition to boost your Flock Power. As you level it up, it will help you achieve the highest scores!

Where do I find the food for my Hatchling?

  • Daily challenge & King Pig Panic
  • Chests
  • Tower of Fortune
  • Daily Deals
  • Saga levels
  • In-app purchases

How do I feed my Hatchling?

Go to the Main Flock screen and tap on your Hatchling. You'll see a "Feed" button at the bottom of the screen. The number of apples your Hatchling needs will be displayed on this button. If you ever find yourself running low on apples, you can purchase more from the food shop, which opens when you tap the "Feed" button. Every time you feed you Hatchling it will give you some Rainbow Feathers as a sign of gratitude! 

Remember to feed your Hatchling every 24 hours to prevent it from leaving the crib in search of food elsewhere 🍏🐥 

How do I level up my Hatchling?

Feeding your Hatchling fills up a bar that levels them up. If you're looking to level up your Hatchling more quickly, use gems to speed up the process. Just tap the "Level Up!" button to do so.

As your Hatchling levels up, it will change colors and your Flock Power boost will increase. Keep in mind that the higher the level of your Hatchling, the more apples it will need to eat daily. So if you don't want your hatchling to grow you can just keep it on the same level. 

How do I rename or level down my hatchling?

Unfortunately you can't change your Hatchling's name or downgrade their level at the moment. 

Why did my Hatchling leave?

If you haven't fed your hatchling in 24 hours, it will decide to leave the crib. However, even if you're away from the game for a while, once you log in, you have one hour to feed it before it flies away. So, don't worry if you've been busy – just make sure to attend to your hungry hatchling as soon as you can! 🍏🕒🐣

What happens if my Hatchling leaves?

If your Hatchling leaves, your Flock Power boost will reset and you’ll get a new egg in case you want to start over. To prevent this, you just have to show your hatchling some love and feed it every day!  🍏🐣🌟