Embark on a thrilling journey in Saga mode, spanning thousands of levels with your feathered friends!  🕊️🌟 Progress at your own pace and discover new bird companions by unlocking cages with keys scattered on the Saga map. You can also revisit and replay old levels to improve star ratings. Just tap the level you want to replay and then continue your journey right where you left off!

I am stuck on the level! What do I do?

Some of the levels are trickier than others, and the boss levels can be especially challenging because you can't use any spells in them. The key is to keep trying, apply different strategies and use every advantage you can get. Don't forget that you can always step away from Saga and take part in other activities in the game to level up your birds before trying again. Levelling up your slingshot or equipping some special event hats can make all the difference! 

There's no more levels in Saga! When do we get the new ones?

With over 3000 levels in Saga, conquering them all is a true feat! While we don't have a fixed schedule for adding new levels, rest assured there's plenty of other engaging activities in the game to keep you entertained as you wait. Explore these in the meantime and have a blast!

The Pig Boss lands in a place I can't reach! What do I do?

If you get in a situation where the Pig Boss lands in a location that seems out of reach, don't worry! This can be a tricky scenario, but there are strategies to handle it:

  1. Use Special Abilities: Birds have unique abilities that can help you reach distant or tricky areas. Experiment with different birds and their abilities to see if any can reach the Pig Boss.
  2. Plan Your Shots: Consider your shot angles and the trajectory carefully. Sometimes, you might need to take a creative approach by bouncing shots off walls or objects to hit the Pig Boss.
  3. Leverage Objects: Many levels have objects or structures that you can use to your advantage. Try causing chain reactions or collapsing structures to create a clear path to the Pig Boss.
  4. Retry and Adapt: If your initial attempt doesn't work, don't hesitate to restart the level and adjust your strategy. Sometimes, a different order of shots or a new approach can make all the difference.

Angry Birds offers a variety of creative solutions to challenges, so don't be afraid to think outside the box and try different approaches until you find one that works!

How does the Destructometer work?

The Destructometer is a gameplay mechanic that adds an extra layer of strategy and challenge. Here's how it works:

  1. Scoring and Destructometer: The Destructometer is essentially a progress bar that fills up as you score points by causing destruction on the level. This destruction includes breaking blocks, popping pigs, and causing various chaos. The more destruction you cause, the more the bar fills up. 
  2. Filling the Bar Completely: The goal is to fill the Destructometer bar to its maximum to gain an additional bird. This extra bird can make a big difference in reaching higher scores and earning more stars at the end of the level.
  3. Higher Scores and Stars: Achieving a higher Destructometer fill leads to higher scores for the level. Higher scores help you earn more stars, which in turn unlock additional chests and rewards.
  4. Strategy and Precision: To maximize your Destructometer fill, you'll need to strategically plan your shots to cause the most destruction. Aim for weak points in structures, create chain reactions, and consider the impact of your birds' unique abilities.