Q: What is the new Energy System in the World Map?

A: The new Energy System replaces the hearts previously used on the World Map. Now, instead of hearts being deducted after a loss, energy points will be consumed at the start of each level when you fling the first bird. 

Q: How much energy do I need to beat one level?

A: Every level takes 10 energy points to complete. But if you quit the level without flinging a bird first, you don’t spend any energy points. 

Q: Is this system exclusive to the World Map?

A: Yes, the new Energy System is exclusively for the World Map. The Daily Challenge and King Pig Panic will continue to use the hearts system.

Q: How does energy recharge work?

A: Energy will slowly recharge over time, giving you 10 points every 30 minutes, up to 60 points. However, this limit can be exceeded by recharging with gems or watching an ad. Just tap the energy bar when it’s below 60 and pick the option that suits you best! 

Q: Is this system available to everyone?

A: Yes, the new Energy System is available to all players regardless of the version they currently have installed.

Happy gaming!