Where to find my Captain level?

You can check your captain level on the upper left side of the game screen, right between the Main Menu button and your player name. Note the blue progress bar right under the Captain level displays your XP points and visually shows your progress until you level up.

Tapping your Captain level, a more detailed view of your progress toward level-up and unlockable rewards can be found. Doing so will take you to the Captain’s Journey menu.


There are no players in the queue. What do I do?

Please be patient. Your opponents in Battle Bay are live online players; therefore, they must be online in real time for a battle to begin. There is no AI in there.


What can I earn in battles?

During the battle, you earn Gold and Sugar resources. Depending on the result of a battle, your Infamy will either rise or drop. 


What is the green circle on the minimap?

The capture area will grant you a win when its progress reaches 100%. You or one of your teammates need to remain in the capture area until the counter is maxed out. If nobody from your team is in the capture area, the counter stops.


I'm facing the wrong way! Help!

Double-tap the screen or swipe it to face the camera forward.


Why can't I shoot again straight away?

Each weapon has a reload time until being able to fire again. You need to wait a few moments to use them again. In the meantime, please try using other weapons on your ship.


Why are all of my weapons reloading when I've only used one?

There is a short global cooldown whenever any weapon is used.


What is the target icon above my aim/ shoot icon?

This is the target lock function. It will keep you locked on a target until it is out of sight or destroyed.


My ship won't stop moving! How do I stay still?

Drag the joystick on the left to the middle and let it go. Also, double-check if you have enabled “Auto” right above the joystick.


My ship has been destroyed. What now?

If your ship has been destroyed, you can still spectate anyone from the team still in the battle and observe the match's outcome. Tap the left or right arrows or leave that battle to the hub to join another one.