With Jackpot Wheel you have more opportunities to get bigger and better rewards!


How does Jackpot Wheel work?

The more you spin it, the higher the chances of getting the Jackpot, and while not every spin will be a Jackpot, you can get other rewards while also filling up your Spin Meter to the next level. As the Spin Meter increases, the Jackpot chance increases.

What happens if I win the Jackpot?

CE-LE-BRATION TIME! You'll see what we mean, and you'll receive your reward. Once you claim it, the Jackpot Wheel will reset, and you can spin some more!

What is the little pig skull?

The skull pig will not give you any rewards, but your Spin Meter continues to increase when you land on it.

Do I have to pay for every spin?

No, you have a daily free spin.