As of April 2021 all new application versions on App Store must use App Tracking Transparency feature. If a user on iOS 14 declines Tracking either globally or for Angry Birds Friends, then Facebook sign in will be using a limited login that does not have access to the Facebook friends list. This means that they cannot see their friends in the Tournament view.

To allow the game to access your Facebook friends list, follow these steps:

  1. Open the game and go to the Settings menu
  2. Disconnect the game from your Facebook account
  3. Open the Settings application from your device
  4. Select Privacy
  5. Select Tracking
  6. Allow the tracking requests to be sent, or allow tracking for AB Friends
  7. Open the game and sign into your Facebook account. In case you had globally declined tracking, you will now be asked the permission for tracking in the game. Make sure you allow it.