We hope you're enjoying all the awesome content coming in 2022. Update 11.0.0 is now available, and with it, we are updating and upgrading the Star Cup to a brand new and more competitive Star Cup: Brawl! Of all the updates we've worked on, this update is one of our biggest updates and also one of our favorites! 

In this release note, we are sharing all the detailed information about Star Cup: Brawl! for you to get into playing and enjoying it as smoothly as possible.

Star Cup: Brawl! is designed to increase the competition and entertainment and provide you with bigger rewards than ever before. So while we are keeping the core gameplay of the old Star Cup, we've introduced a totally new rewarding system and Season-based competition. 


Use one of your Entry Tickets to start competing against other players, and start building your win streak. Keep winning to level up your rewards, or claim your chest and terminate your win streak! 


What's new in Star Cup: Brawl?  

  • Single-round Match 

In Star Cup: Brawl, we adopt a single-round match system, meaning there will be only one level to compete against your opponent for each match. - You just need to win 1 level to start your Win Streak and continue accumulating it. 

  • Winning Chest


After every win, your Chest will grow bigger and bigger with new rewards. You will be able to claim your Chest from the menu at any given point. But watch out! If you lose a match, you will lose your Chest too! You will have to decide whether to Claim a chest or keep playing to grow it bigger. If  you decide to claim your chest, you will lose your current win streak and you will have to build it up again.



  • Season & Leaderboard

We'll introduce a Season-based competition, featuring the Leaderboards you all have long awaited for! Seasons last two to three days and by competing and winning against your opponent, you will increase your Win Streak, getting higher Season Points per win. The more Season Points you get, the more chances you will have to end up at the top of the leaderboard and win the Season! You’ll receive seasonal reward according to your rank in the leaderboard at the end of each Season. Similar to what you get at the end of Tournaments in our main Tournament mode.



[Season Leaderboard]  



[Season Results]


  • Tier system 

Earn stars at the end of every Season based on your rank to make your way to the top: The Legend Tier. But be careful, if you perform poorly you may lose your stars too. 



  • Promoting to higher tiers will not give any feathers any more. But don't worry! We've increased the number of feathers you can earn per win!
  • The maximum number of Stars you can hold has been limited to 500.


What stays the same?

  • Flock Power 

The flock Power system has not changed in Star Cup: Brawl! So continue accumulating your winning streaks and earn flock feathers to level up your birds to maximize your score! 

  • Item Spinner 

Item Spinner and its random items have not changed in Star Cup: Brawl, and its ability stays the same. There is a small nice little addition - You can now skip the spinner animation by tapping anywhere on the screen while the Spinner rolls!