You can combine adjacent power-ups to create even more powerful effects! Swipe a power-up into an adjacent power-up to create the following combinations:
Rocket + Rocket: clears one row and column in a cross shape.
Rocket + Bomb: rockets clear three rows and columns in a cross shape.
Rocket + Paper Plane: the combined rocket will launch where the paper plane lands.
Rocket + Color Bomb: Replace targeted pieces with rockets that will launch in random directions.
Bomb + Paper Plane: The bomb will detonate where the paper plane lands.
Bomb + Bomb: creates a bigger explosion than a single bomb.
Bomb + Color Bomb: Replace targeted pieces with bombs and detonate them.
Paper Plane + Paper Plane: launches three paper planes.
Paper Plane + Color Bomb: Replace targeted pieces with paper planes and launch them.
Color Bomb + Color Bomb: hits all tiles in the level.