Join the birds on a dreamy jungle adventure. Avoid snapping crocodiles as you compete with other players for helpful rewards! 

How to play this event?

In this event, you must beat levels to move from island to island. However, be careful if you fail a level. You will have to avoid the dangerous crocodiles, and your progress will be reset to the beginning. If you are quicker than all the other competitors and the first to reach the end, you will have the chance to select the best prize!

Problems with the event

If you have any issues in the event, please report them to our support team. When reporting the issue, please provide them with as many details about the problem as you possibly can. We will do our best to resolve the problem quickly and get you back to playing or recover any missing rewards and items. 

If you are unable to contact our support team in-game for any reason, you can also contact us by filling out the form here -> Here