Kids love playing our games! We strive to create fun and engaging games that people of all ages can enjoy, and we’re totally jazzed that so many young kids gravitate towards our titles. Thank you parents for allowing your children to enjoy our games!

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for young children to accidentally make in-app purchases in our games while playing if your devices are not protected. For this reason, we strongly encourage parents to apply password protection to all of their devices to prevent this from happening.

Below you will find instructions on how to set a password on your device to prevent all unauthorized purchases from app stores. We hope that with these instructions you can make your devices safer for your children when playing not only Rovio titles, but all games.

  1. Open Settings -> General, and then click ‘Restrictions’.
  2. Click ‘Enable Restrictions’, and create and re-enter your passcode for restrictions.
  3. Click the ‘In-App Purchases’ button.

After this, the button will change from green to white, indicating that all in-app purchases are disabled.

If you want to allow the possibility to make in-app purchases, but want the device to ask for the password every time when making an in-app purchase, please do the following:

  1. Open Settings -> General, and then click ‘Restrictions’.
  2. Enter your restrictions passcode.
  3. Click the ‘In-App Purchases’ button to enable the purchases.
  4. Scroll down to locate ‘Password Settings’.
  5. Click ‘Always Require’.

After this, in-app purchases are allowed, but trying to make one always prompts the device to ask for the password.